Who Invented Homework? And Why?


Teachers and students have always had a contentious relationship when it comes to homework. While students are entirely opposed to it and see it as a hindrance to their post-class joy, teachers see it as an essential component of academic life. Most students despise homework and have questioned "who invented homework" on a number of occasions. I understand how you feel because I was once one of those students who despised home assignments. Most students find the idea of spending hours doing homework unpleasant, and all they want is for their school to stop assigning them so much homework.

The impact of homework on a child's overall development is a never-ending discussion that we may return to later. "Who devised homework, and what was his thought behind such an invention?" was a question that would frequently cross my mind as a student. After conducting extensive investigation, I discovered that homework was created as a form of punishment. That's right, you read that correctly. Read on to learn more about the idea, which has turned into a form of punishment for pupils not just at school but also at home.


Many people claim to be the inventor of homework. Homework has been around since the first century AD. Pliny Younger, a Romanian teacher, first mentioned homework in ancient Rome, when he instructed his students to prepare certain oratory activities at home. They were astounded to discover that the students who were weak in oratory were improving at a higher rate. After all, everyone was attempting to hone their article writing talents in a relaxed setting. As evidence, we might go to the homework assignments of one of Pliny's students, Quintilian, who lived in the first century AD. However, your search for "who invented homework" is far from over.

We discover the individual who established homework as a kind of punishment for his students as we go deeper into history. ROBERTO NEVELIS, an Italian pedagog, is thought to have originated the phrase "homework" in 1905. The concept of homework was straightforward. When his students exited the classroom, Nevelis felt that his teachings had lost their meaning. He was disappointed that his students had failed to exceed themselves despite his efforts. He then came up with other measures, and homework was born. Homework, as we know it today, was not Nevilis' goal. Because physical punishment was not an option, he regarded it as an alternative kind of punishment to pay attentive attention to studying beyond class.


By the end of the nineteenth century, the world had witnessed massive changes in the education system, as well as different reform movements in industrial England. With the introduction of formal education, the concept of homework was reformed and polished, taking on a much more official character. People from many castes began to study together, resulting in increased competition. Teachers began assigning homework to students in order to improve their abilities and efficiency. Needless to say, it resulted in a major improvement in a student's skill set and contributed to the enhancement of educational quality. Students were still asking themselves, "Who invented homework and why?"

Though the practise of assigning homework was already in place, Nevelis codified it. Homework was nothing more than a way for students to broaden their knowledge at home. It improved pupils' ability to retain material for longer periods of time and improved their problem-solving abilities. It was widely acknowledged as a significant aspect of study preparation around the world. Since then, homework and assignments, as well as the question of "who invented homework," have become an inextricable aspect of a student's life.

Since then, homework has become a regular occurrence. Students were given jobs and assignments to perform at home within a certain amount of time, otherwise they would be penalised. Teachers were required to review the activities and grade their students' achievement. The highest mark would go to the students who accomplished everything right. After those times, the practise of doing homework became increasingly common all throughout the world. As a result, your hunt for "who invented homework" has come to an end, as we can now declare Roberto Nevelis to be the true inventor of homework, and refer to him as the Father of Homework.


One of the initial goals of homework was to burden children, but as time passed, this concept evolved into a lot more modern approach. Johann Gottlieb Fichte, who was aiming to mobilise support for a unified German state, came up with the modern concept of homework.

The objective of assigning homework to pupils is frequently aligned with the purpose of schooling in general. Homework has been proved in scientific studies to play an important impact in students' learning and skill development. Roberto Novelis outlined the major purposes of homework in a way that is still relevant today:

  • Students learn to work extensively as a result of homework.
  • Students learn to complete their schoolwork without the assistance of others, allowing them to become self-sufficient.
  • Students learn to be responsible, self-starters.
  • Students' creative energies are sparked.
  • Students have the option of working at their own pace.
  • It's hard to develop these outstanding abilities without completing assignments at home on your own.
The success of homework preparation determines the success of instruction. Some claim that homework is a complete waste of time, yet several experienced psychologists argue that assimilation of both knowledge and activity approaches is critical. It encourages people to think outside the box, manage their time, and expand their skill set.

Everything, like the two sides of a coin, has positive and bad characteristics. As a result, in addition to the topic of "who originated homework," we should consider the two sides of the widespread practise of homework.

Pros of Homework for Students

Homework, according to many educators, is good to kids since it increases learning and allows educators to ensure that pupils understand their courses. Many students nowadays learn from home, and remote learning is becoming increasingly popular. The Corona epidemic was also a big factor in people choosing to study online (from home). Students should consider the benefits of homework while also considering "who invented homework and why?" Homework can be advantageous in the following ways, whether you select in-school or distance education:

  • Homework assists pupils in developing a practise discipline. Scientists have proven that pupils can memorise material only if they practise it on a regular basis, as the phrase goes, "Practice makes a man perfect."
  • It is critical to repeat scientific concepts and procedures on a frequent basis if we are to grasp and master them. Students can benefit from homework in this way.
  • Without any outside help, students develop time management and research skills. They become self-sufficient and autonomous as a result of this.
  • Students have a deeper comprehension of the material and greater conceptual clarity as a result of improved learning.
  • Promoting communication between students and their parents. While assisting with schoolwork, parents learn about their child's strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed
  • Getting ready for upcoming class lessons
  • Students' inventiveness is boosted when they participate in active learning.
  • Students are taught how to stay motivated and optimistic.

Cons of Homework for Students

Roberto Novelis was clearly well-intentioned, as seen by the preceding talks. However, there are some significant problems in its use and implementation. This is why, in most cases, students dislike homework. They see it as an additional responsibility that eats up their spare time, and they frequently ask themselves, "Who invented homework?" Students frequently grumble that the homework they are assigned is an extension of the part of class that is still unfinished. Aside from that, students almost always offer additional examples to demonstrate their ideas. They criticise homework for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Many sources have recognised homework as a substantial source of stress and anxiety for students. In 2014, a Stanford University study found that students who spend more time on homework suffer from increased stress, anxiety, emotional tiredness, physical health concerns, a lack of equilibrium, and even social attention. This can have a significant negative impact on a student's physical and mental health.
  • Due of homework, there isn't enough time for physical activities. This becomes a roadblock to growth and development, interfering directly with academic success.
  • There is no indication that homework increases academic achievement, according to a study conducted by the Dresden University of Technology. It may be beneficial only to students who are intellectually challenged.
  • Obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses are three times more likely.
  • There is no time for vacations.
  • Time commitment that is excessive


Whether students, parents, or teachers like it or not, Roberto Nevelis' concept of homework has lasted generations in the educational system. The technology revolution has also aided in the reduction of assignment burdens.

There is no way out of homework unless there is a massive rebuilding of the educational system demonstrating greater drawbacks of homework, as educators believe it is not reasonable to entirely eliminate the benefits of homework due to a few flaws.

As a result, rather than asking "who invented homework," it could be a good idea to embrace its benefits and focus on its positive qualities. It's just a wonderful technique to organise and memorise all of your educational information.


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