Html vs Xml: A brief difference between both Html and Xml


All the pages displayed on a web browser (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc. ) are coded using HTML or XML. They are programming languages used to create various web pages. They both have different features and Styles. In this blog, you will get to know all about Html and Xml, HTML VS XML and their uses.

Let's start with a markup language

A markup language is a computer language that uses various tags to define elements within a document. It contains simple words rather than typical programming syntax.


There are lots of markup language that people uses around the world, for example:

  1. HTML:     Hypertext text markup language. 

  2. XML:        Extensible markup language.

  3. SGML:     Standard generalized markup language. 

  4. XHTML:   eXtended hypertext markup language. 

  5. KML:        keyhole markup language.

  6. MathML:   Mathematical markup language 


But HTML and XML are the most popular languages to design web pages as they are understandable by humans, making it easy to design web pages. In this, we are going to concentrate on HTML VS XML. 


What is HTML

The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. It was invented by TIM_BERNERS LEE later in the 1980s. Html is the primary and the most commonly used language worldwide to design web pages and websites. When you start designing web pages, probably Html is the first language to interact with. Html defines the way that text, images, and videos are displayed in web browsers. It is used to create or design web pages or the purpose of Html to display data and focus on how it looks. It describes the structure of a web page and consists of a series of elements, and these elements tell the browsers how to display the content. 

HTML element

An Html element is defined by start tag, some content, and by end tag. Example :

<tag name>content which display</tag name> 

A Basic Example of an Html document.

<html>               (This tag indicate that this web page writing in html)

<head>            (head contain meta information about the html page)

<title> page title </title>                    (Title tag contain web page title)


<body>                             (This tag contain content of the web page)

<h1> Start learning html</h1>  (h1 element  defines large headings)

<p>This is my first paragraph</p>    (p element  defines paragraph )



The tags are the words between <angle bracket> and separate standard text from Html code. They are not displayed on the web pages but affect the appearance data on the web pages. Various types of tags perform different functions.

Advantages of Html

  1. Html is very easy to learn and free of cost.

  2. Html is platform-independent.

  3. Html supports all the browsers.

  4. Html is the basics of all the programming languages.

  5. Images, videos can also be added by using Html on web pages.

  6. The Html is user-friendly. It displays changes instantly.  

  7. Hypertext can also be added to the text.

  8. It can be integrated using other languages like Javascript, CSS(cascading style sheets), etc.

The Latest version of Html is  HTML 5                            


What is XML

The full form of XML is an Extensible markup language. This language is created by W3C, which stands for World Wide Web Consortium. XML markup language, much like HTML. This was designed to store, transport data, and also for self-descriptive. It facilitates encoding documents, defined by some set of rules in a format that humans, as well as machines, can read. Xml enables the creation of web pages and web applications and is a dynamic language that transports data. Xml plays a vital role in many different IT systems. It is important to have a good basic understanding of XML for the types of software developers. It is often used for distributing data over the internet. It is used for representing arbitrary data structure over the internet. XML also makes it easier to upgrade or expand to a new operating system, new application, or new browsers without losing data.

Some important characteristics of xml

  1. Xml carries the data, doesn't present it: XML allows you to store data irrespective of how it is presented.

  1. The Extension markup language is a public standard:  It was developed by (W3C) which stands for the world wide web consortium and is available as an open standard. 

  1. Xml is extensible: xml also allows you to create your self-descriptive tags or languages that suit your applications. Most of the xml applications will work as it is even if new data is added or removed.

Uses of xml (Extensible Markup Language)

  1. It works behind the scenes to simplify the creation of Html documents for large websites.

  1. Xml can be merged or integrated into all the feasible data formats like text and numbers to multimedia like image, sound to active formats like java applets or ActiveX components.

  1. XML can be easily merged with style sheets to make or create almost any desired output.

  1. It can be used for reloading and overloading databases.

  1. It can be used to exchange information between systems and organizations. 

  1. No programming is required to alter or modify the presentation of data. You can change the feel or look of documents or even the entire website with XSL style sheets without any changes to the data itself. Any type of data can be expressed as an xml document Virtually. 


 XML a Programming Language?

As we know, programming language consists of some grammar rules, and it has its own vocabulary, which we generally used to create various computer programs and applications. All These programs instruct the system to perform specific tasks. XML does not qualify to be a programming language because it doesn't perform any computation or algorithms. XML is generally stored in a simple text file and is processed by using some special software that is capable of interpreting XML.


HTML(Hypertext markup language )

XML(Extensible markup language)

It displays data describe the structure of a            web page.

It basically stores and transfers data and focuses on what data is.

The Html is not case sensitive.

Xml is case-sensitive.  

The Html is static in nature.

Xml is dynamic in nature.

Html has its own predefined tags.

Xml is flexible as tags are defined when they are needed.

Html is a markup language. 

XML is a standard markup language that defines other markup languages.

It offers native support.

With the help of elements and attributes, objects are.

Extra application code is not required to parse text.

XML DOM application and implementation code are needed to map text back into javascript objects.

HTML is used to display data.

Xml is used to transfer data.

It can be directly viewed on web pages.

Viewable if the proper stylesheet is provided.

HTML for humans (Describe web pages).

XML for computers( Describe the data).

Content oriented. 

Presentation oriented.

Browsers are very tolerant of errors in Html

Documents in XML must be well-formed(syntactically correct)

Html does not preserve white spaces

White spaces can be preserved in XMl


HTML and XML both are related to each other. On one side, HTML displays data and describes the structure of a webpage, whereas XML stores and transfers data. HTML is a simple predefined language, while XML is a standard language that defines other languages.


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